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Sharing my knowledge for your sustainable and innovative projects

My interdisciplinary work and competences

Through my interdisciplinary work, academic degrees, and diverse interests, I have gained extensive knowledge in the fields of information systems, artificial intelligence, IT management and development, business informatics, security and privacy management, as well as intellectual property and its marketing. My great passion is interdisciplinary work and research across various scientific and practical domains.

I am currently applying this knowledge in five different areas: science, teaching, consulting, development, and communication. As a lecturer and researcher, I share my expertise both nationally and internationally.

    •  Science

    •  Teaching

    •  Consulting

    •  Development

    •  Communication


My lectures on YouTube

Watch my latest lectures on YouTube: There you can find lectures especially about the fundamentals of scientific work.

Let's work together.

Write me a message via LinkedIn to get in touch with me. You can also just connect with me, to join my network.

My latest shortnews

Follow me on my Twitter channel to get my latest shortnews. I also repost tweets from other interesting accounts worldwide.

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